3 Compelling Reasons to Consider Habit Tracking
Tips and tricks for getting better results in life by tracking your progress. FREE downloads included!
Have you ever had a time where you set a goal and began working towards it, only to find some amount of time later that you never finished? Or maybe it just didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped?
Often times we set up goals for ourselves and then slack on follow through because we either forget, get distracted, or don’t see the results we want when we want them and move on or give up. These are all examples of results that stem from a lack of awareness.
However, there is a solution to this. In fact, it is commonly used every day in many fields and professions, and it is a simple and specific type of awareness practice called habit tracking or data tracking.
Data tracking isn’t limited to the fields and professions of research, science or behavior modification, it is and can be for everyone if you have the right strategy. This is why earlier this year, Club Xcite decided to create an online portal specifically for this - to be able to easily track and measure results from 1-1 tutoring, coaching and therapy sessions as well as groups. This is also why we want to share a few tips with you to start getting better results for yourself and others!
According to traditional approaches to goals and behavior, when you set a goal or an outcome and state it in a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Oriented) way, you have an opportunity to establish baseline data and start “taking data”. In other words, you can document your current reality and then start take notes of any feedback or results you are or are not getting once you start taking action towards your goal.
This can be as easy as creating a log of some sort, such as a journal or spreadsheet, if you set it all up with the right level of specificity and take data over a realistic period of time. If you take the time to set up a system for tracking and measuring progress, you are establishing a feedback loop that will increase your chances at success.
Here are 3 main reasons why we should all consider taking data on all goals:
We would actually know whether or not we are making progress
It eliminates room for error/guessing
It gives us something to focus on to hold us accountable & keep our mind on track
Let’s look at this in action.
Example 1: writing trackable goals with a student
Goal: Johnny is able to turn in his homework on his own every day it is due for one month straight by 12/20/19.
Ideas for how to track:
Make a chart, print out a calendar, or other visual and put it on the wall or the fridge, and each day that Johnny turns in his homework, you can check it off. For younger students, using stickers or even implementing a positive reinforcement system can be helpful, too! Example
Example 2: writing a trackable goal for yourself
Goal: I am able to meditate 3 mornings a week for 10 minutes or more for three weeks in a row by 12/31/19.
Ideas for how to track:
Make a log, or print out a calendar, chart or some other visual that is easy to see and refer to.
If you want tips and tricks for writing SMART goals, click here for a free downloadable PDF with some of our favorite tips, and get more with it as well!
Click here for a free printable and ideas on how to make a printable chart.
Feel free to play with this and see if you can come up with a system that works for you! Once you find your groove, it can be easy to do on your own on a week to week or month to month basis.
Interested in having one of our coaches, tutors or therapists help you or your student with setting goals, tracking and reaching progress? Let us know!
We would love to work with you to teach new strategies for success and have you view your results on our online portal in real time the whole way through. Call us today at 858-779-9674.
Written by Jocelyn Burke, MA.Ed.
Jocelyn is the Program Director at Club Xcite. With a background in Applied Behavioral Analysis and Neurolinguistic Programming, she is a big fan of tracking progress and keeps a habit tracker for her own self improvement every month! If you have questions about this article or want to learn more about her strategies, reach out to her at jburke@exciteway.com.